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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ok, so I admit, I was supposed to do this post six weeks ago. My handlers are wondering where the reports are...but it's because I've been so thoroughly in love with Ketel One Vodka that I keep drinking the damn stuff and I've been drunk since.

Ok, so that's not true at all, but I wish it was. If you're gonna party why drink sludge like Absolut? I'd rather support taste, quality, refinement and fair price rather than mass produced, poorly tested swill.

To prove to you I'm not a corporate shill, here's Ketel One's main facility, The Nolet Distillery. This ain't the Mondavi of vodkas, it's a family run business that has been passed down from generation to generation through a single bloodline, producing cottage-industry product in a an age of blandness and mass consumption.

And of course, they gave me free vodka (loads of it) so I should at least hold up my end of the bargain :)

Thanks for the tasting + dinner, and the demonstartion with the brilliant, well-read hottie 'cause I was broke ass and in need of some riches, yo.


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